Translated Documents

    1. Upon occurrence of an insured event, Party B shall be obliged to apply all measures to save the Leased Facilities and prevent further damage, to immediately report the insured event to the insurer, law enforcement authorities, and fulfil other obligations stipulated in the insurance contract, and to inform Party A at the latest within three (3) calendar days of the circumstances related to the damaging or destruction of the Leased Facilities.
    2. If at any time Party A has recourse to the Bank Guarantee pursuant to this section or the Bank Guarantee is otherwise reduced below the amount set out under this section Party B shall immediately replace or substitute the Bank Guarantee so as to restore the Bank Guarantee to the amount set out under this section.
    3. We, the parties, in the above suit, are agreed as to the question of fact [or of law] to be decided between us and the point at issue between us is whether a claim founded on a bond, dated ___年___月___日 and filed as Exhibit in the said suit, is or is not beyond the statute of limitation (or state the point at issue whatever it may be):
    4. The amount of the provisional anti-dumping duty, cash deposit, bond or other forms of security provided shall not exceed the margin of dumping established in the preliminary determination.
    5. The Security Deposit shall take the form of a performance bond and be in such terms as the Contractor shall approve.
    6. In order to guarantee the performance of all the obligations under this Agreement, Party B hereby undertakes to hand over, at the time of the handover of possession of the Leased Facilities, a first demand bank guarantee, while waiving the benefits of division, exclusion and priority, in the amount of RMB two million (RMB2,000,000) (“the Bank Guarantee”) as a guarantee and security that Party B shall pay the rent hereby reserved and all other monies payable (including, but not limited to: VAT, interest, principal, penalty interest, fees, expenses, insurance fees) hereunder and perform and observe all Party B’s obligations hereunder.
    7. If at any time Party A has recourse to the Bank Guarantee pursuant to this section or the Bank Guarantee is otherwise reduced below the amount set out under this section Party B shall immediately replace or substitute the Bank Guarantee so as to restore the Bank Guarantee to the amount set out under this section.
    8. Without prejudice and without limit to the generality of Clause 3.1 of this Deed, upon the default or breach of, or failure to perform, fulfil, comply with or observe any of the Obligations by the Subsidiary, the Guaranteed Party may upon first demand as of right and without first:
    9. This Bond shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
    10. The validity of this Deed and the Guarantor’s obligations under this Deed shall remain in full force and effect and not to be affected or impaired by any act, omission, matter or thing which, but for this Clause, would reduce, release, or impair any of the Guarantor’s obligations under this Deed, including:

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