1. All other Group companies within the scope of the Regulation are requested either to put the Regulation into effect or to consult the Responsible Unit regarding modification or non-adoption of the Regulation. Prior to implementation of this Regulation, foreign companies must first examine potential legal consequences.
2. In accordance with the provisions of the Shareholders’ Agreement of AAA, the Executive Board of BBB and, where appropriate, its Shareholders’ Meeting, shall decide whether to implement this Regulation.
3. The Group Regulation defines a worldwide systematic approach for an adequate management of change as well as for work permit for hazardous work process which are often closely linked. The intention of this Group Regulation is to ensure that an adequate and equal level of HSEQ excellence is achieved for all processes and plants within the AAA Group. It gives a framework for an adequate management of change (MoC) process to be implemented in the AAA subgroups and service companies.
4. Therefore this Group Regulation defines processes to ensure that changes are carried out encompassing and addressing all HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality) aspects for technical and organizational changes. Changes may be permanent or temporary. This Group Regulation defines processes for all relevant changes.
5. This Group Regulation applies to all facilities in the AAA Group worldwide, subject to the provisions on Page 2. Appropriate procedures and measures should be implemented according to this Group Regulation and have to meet or exceed applicable internal and legal regulations.
6. The Group Regulation applies to production units, utilities and utility units (steam, electricity, water, compressed gases, cooling and heating, etc.) waste treatment units (waste water treatment, incineration, etc.), maintenance workshops, storage areas (infrastructure, tank farms, loading and unloading, warehouses, bulk storage areas, etc. ), pilot plants, laboratories in all buildings/structures for constructional, environmental and fire protection aspects as well as regulatory authorization (e.g., change of use) to Process control technology (PCT) and other HSEQ related systems (e.g., fire alarm systems) in the above mentioned units to administrative Group Regulations related to HSEQ activities in the above mentioned units and which directly affect them or any other area and to organization of/staffing in the above mentioned units as well as in HSEQ functions.
7. The site/unit has to determine and document based upon a risk assessment which handled substances and mixtures have to be classified as “hazardous substances” with respect to permit to work regulation requirements. At least all substances that are classified according to GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) have to be evaluated.
8. The site/unit has to determine and document based upon the tasks to be performed, the materials and/or energy involved and the location of the work which activities are potentially highly hazardous and have to be classified as hazardous work.
9. The management of change/work permit responsible is the approver of the proposed change or work to be carried out. For each site/unit it has to be defined who can approve changes or work permits and to what level of task.
10. Prior to start-up of the unit/section after the implementation of the change all affected personnel must be informed of and trained on the change.