Translated Documents
        1. AAA shall have no liability whatsoever to licensee in connection with this agreement, including without limitation, any direct, indirect, special or consequential (including lost profits),damages for loss of profits or revenues, business interruption, downtime costs, failure to realize expected savings, loss, disclosure, unavailability of or damage to data, software restoration, or loss of privacy arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the licensed materials or otherwise in connection with any provision of this agreement, even if AAA or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose.
        2. Accordingly, without the prior written consent of AAA, Reseller shall not during the term of this Agreement market, license, distribute, sell or represent products or services that compete with or are similar to, in AAA's sole discretion as AAA may notify Reseller from time to time (a) the Products (b) any other product that AAA markets, licenses, distributes or sells, as of the Effective Date or at any time during the term of this Agreement or any extension thereof, or (c) the Services.
        3. Licensee, its Sublicensees and/or subcontractors must not sell, lease or otherwise make available any Licensed Products and/or related technical information for use in a Nuclear Facility or for installation at the site of a Nuclear Facility for use by such Nuclear Facility, except if expressly approved in writing as follows: In the event Licensee is an ABB Group Affiliate, the Licensee must follow the application and approval procedure of the applicable ABB Group Directives and Instructions, and Licensor will not handle or approve any kind of related applications, or take any decisions regarding any use of Licensed Products in connection with Nuclear Facilities as stated above, for this case Licensor herewith expressly confirms that all decisions regarding use of Licensed Products in connection with Nuclear Facilities and all related amendments of such decisions taken by the competent and duly authorized persons in compliance with applicable ABB Group Directives and Instructions shall be fully valid under this Licence Agreement without exceptions and without further or additional approval by Licensor.
        4. "Improvement": means any improvement, enhancement or modification to the Licensed Technology, the Licensed Products or its method of manufacture, except such further development of the Licensed Technology or the Licensed Products resulting in a new technology or a new product; for improvements with regard to Software the provisions of the Software Licence Agreement shall be applied;
        5. For any works and materials supplied or used by the Artist in the performance of this Agreement and the Documentation in respect of which Copyright are vested in a third party due to whatever reason, the Artist hereby undertakes that it shall procure the grant(s) to the Company, its authorised users, assigns and successors-in-title, a perpetual, worldwide, sub-licensable, irrevocable and non-exclusive licence, free of royalty, licence fee or other charge, to use, exploit, issue or make available to the public and/or other parties copies of such works and materials or the Documentation, to show them in public, and to make adaptation thereof.
        6. It is expressly prohibited for Licensee to grant access to a third party Software, to user rights, or to grant Sublicences to any third party not being an AAA Affiliate, except the Software Licence Agreement concluded by an AAA Affiliate with the third party Software owner or authorized licensor in accordance with Clause 5 above allows expressly granting access, user rights, or Sublicences by Licensee to any third party not being an AAA Affiliate.
        7. In no event shall any provisions of any contractual arrangement for supply of technical assistance, components, modules or the like in connection with Licensed Products or this Licence Agreement concluded by any of Licensor’s Affiliates apply at all to this Licence Agreement, except if expressly agreed in writing by Licensor’s duly authorized representatives.
        8. The agreed terms and conditions have to fully comply with the terms and conditions contained for such third party Software use in the Software Licence Agreement concluded with the third party Software licensor.
        9. The information and documents regarding the Licensed Technology will be transferred by Licensor to Licensee by handing over of copies of the drawings and specifications regarding the Licensed Technology in a generally accepted format and in English language, or by granting access to the relevant parts of the data files, the data bases and the data network system of the AAA Group’s Product Responsible Unit within thirty (30) calendar days after effectiveness of this Licence Agreement, provided Licensor has received such licence fee payments to be made in accordance with this Licence Agreement within said thirty (30) calendar days time period.
        10. Upon termination or expiration of the term hereof, all rights, licenses and privileges granted to Licensee hereunder shall automatically revert to Licensor and Licensee shall execute any and all documents evidencing such automatic reversion.

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