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1. This study seeks to identify factors to consider when formulating standards to manage the national security risks of using artificial intelligence (AI) for decision support systems. The goal is to start a dialogue on creating standards that will reduce the risk from use, misuse, and exploitation of AI, without impeding the United States’ technological development and competitive advantage.
2. Public/private partnerships and education for users is critical to understanding AI technology and the associated threats, vulnerabilities, and risks.
3. To build trust, fairness, transparency, and accountability of AI to curtail error and misuse while ensuring functionality and securing against attacks, algorithms should undergo the “illities” test.
4. Artificial intelligence (AI) likely is one of the most dramatic technological game changers of our time with the potential to transform human life from daily social interactions to how we conduct warfare. Specifically, AI will play a critical role in driving change in military, information, economic superiority, and the nature of security risks that will affect the ability of the United States to pursue its four pillars of national security.
5. AI will have digital, physical, and political security implications, expanding existing threats, introducing new threats, and changing the character of threats and of war.
6. Among the key NDS objectives include defending the homeland; dissuading, preventing, or deterring state adversaries and non-state actors from acquiring, proliferating, or using weapons of mass destruction; and preventing terrorists from directing or supporting external operations against the United States homeland and our citizens, allies, and partners overseas.
7. RESEARCH APPROACH: To understand governance, development, technology, algorithms, and potential standards, we conducted a literature review and interviewed stakeholders, including practitioners, developers, researchers, academics, and end-users from 19 organizations.
8. We collaboratively developed a set of questions to frame our discussions with AI subject matter experts. These focused on understanding the technology and their thoughts on standards.
9. However, researchers suggest some AI systems are vulnerable to data leakage and unintended memorization, resulting in models that can reveal sensitive data to users.
10. We are still in the very early stages of understanding and discussing standards for AI. Consequently, we chose the following questions and thoughts on AI and standards to spur discussion to move towards a better understanding of how standards can apply to AI.

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