


        The Minister shall serve a copy of the order of demolition on the owner of the pipe-line.
        The notice required by subsection (1) must be served in any case mentioned in paragraph (a) of subsection (2) before the expiration of the period specified in that paragraph.
        within a forty-five (45) Day period after serving such notice
        However, any failure by a party to do so or delay by it in doing so shall not prejudice the effectiveness of service of the relevant Service Document on the agent of the Subscriber.
        但是, 一方不寄送或者迟延寄送的, 不影响向认购人的代理人送达的相关文书的送达有效性。
        Service of Process
        Date of service
        service of proceedings or other documents

        within thirty (30) Days after the date that the disputing Party delivers written notice of the Dispute to the other Party.
        在提出争议的一方向另一方送达争议通知后三十(30) 天内
        when delivered if personally delivered;
        专人递送的, 实际交付时视为送达;
        Each such holder in their own discretion by delivering a written notice to the Company, requesting…
        Any notice required hereunder shall be delivered to such Agent, such notice to be effective upon delivery to the Agent as if delivered to each of the Lenders.

        No notice or other communication shall be effective until received or deemed received.
        所有通知和其他通信, 在实际送达或者推定送达后生效。
        Any resignation shall take effect at the date of the receipt of that notice or at any later time specified in that notice.
        Such notice, demand, approval, acceptance, confirmation or other communications shall be addressed as provided in Clause 16 and, if so addressed, shall be deemed to have been received as follows:

        Publication and service of notices
        notice published at the Lender's website, E bank, telephone bank, and/or outlet
        Should the aforesaid methods not be able to reach the receiver, then service by publication can be used.
        通过上述方式无法送达接收方的, 可以公告送达。

        the giving of notice by advertisement

        Purchaser shall be deemed to have been given a fully executed copy of this contract on the third business day following the date of ordinary or regular mailing, postage prepaid.

        the date on which notice under clause (i) is provided
        Upon provision of a written notice to the other party
        Series A Initiating Holder of the Series A Preferred Shares for which a Series A Initial Redemption Notice has been timely submitted

        Each Invoice shall be submitted to Party A no later than 30 days following the end of each quarter.

        Certified copies of the judgement and decree in appeal shall be furnished to the parties on application to the Appellate Court and at their expense.
        当事人向法院提出申请后, 上诉法院应当向当事人送达上诉裁判理由书和上诉判决书的核证副本, 费用由当事人自行承担。   

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