    A document which ought to be produced in Court by the plaintiff when the plaint is presented, or to be entered in the list to be added or annexed to the pliant, and which is not produced, or entered accordingly, shall not, without the leave of the Court, be received in evidence on his behalf at the hearing of the suit.
    Any instrument purporting to be executed under the seal of the Authority shall be received in evidence upon its production without further proof and shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to be an instrument so executed"
    The purposes of these sections would be defeated if expert opinion testimony of Board employees, which may be reflected in the views of the Board expressed in its reports, were admitted in evidence or used in litigation arising out of an accident.
    Where a document so admitted is an entry in a book, account or record,…
    Any party may seek directions from the court and the court may of its motion issue directions for submission of further proof of any electronic record including metadata or logs before admission of such electronic record.
    inadmissibility of document not produced when plaint filed
    The Court shall record the reason for its admission.
    But not all nervous people are lying, and some liars are adept at concealing their anxiety, making polygraphs too unreliable to be accepted as evidence in most courts.
    Where a suit is stayed or a defence is struck out under sub-rule (5), the plaintiff or, as the case may be, the defendant may, after furnishing his true address, apply to the Court for an order to set aside the order of stay or, as the case may be, the order striking out the defence.
    The evidence (cross-examination and re-examination) of the witness in attendance, whose evidence (examination-in-chief) by affidavit has been furnished to the Court, shall be taken either by the Court or by the Commissioner appointed by it: Provided that the Court may, while appointing a commission under this sub-rule, consider taking into account such relevant factors as it thinks fit.
    the Court in its discretion dispenses with the proof of any of the circumstances mentioned in clause (a) and authorizes the evidence of any person being read as evidence in the suit, notwithstanding proof that the cause for taking such evidence by commission has ceased at the time of reading the same.
    An order by the Appellate Court for the stay of execution of the decree shall be effective from the date of the communication of such order to the Court of first instance, but an affidavit sworn by the appellant, based on his personal knowledge, stating that an order for the stay of execution of the decree has been made by the Appellate Court shall, pending the receipt from the Appellate Court of the order for the stay of execution or any order to the contrary, be acted upon by the Court of first instance.     上诉法院作出的中止执行判决的裁定自裁定送达一审法院之日起生效,但上诉人根据自己知道的情况作出誓章,说明上诉法院已作出中止执行判决的裁定的,在收到上诉法院发出的中止执行判决的裁定或者任何相反裁定之前,一审法院应当采信上诉人的誓章。

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