
judgement(-)debtor 被申请执行人
deceased judgement-debtor 已故被申请执行人
declaration of will; manifestation of intention 意思表示
detention in prison; be committed to prison (在监狱)羁押
judgement 裁判理由书(印巴法律:作出裁定或判决的理由陈述);判决书
decree 判决书
claim exemption from arrest 申请免于逮捕
pronounce judgement; pronouncement of judgement 宣读裁判理由书(印巴法律)
read out the whole judgement 宣读整个裁判理由书(印巴法律)
draw up a decree 制作判决书
summary judgement 简易判决
summary suit 简易程序诉讼
be brought on record 记录在案
conditional order 附条件裁定(书)
citations of judgements 援引判决(书)内容
pronounce judgement in an open court 当庭公开作出判决
predecessor 前任法官
registered post, acknowledgment due 附回执的挂号信
issue of the proclamation of sale 发布出售公告
affidavit (法院工作人员作出的证明自己已履行相关职责的)宣誓书;(证人经宣誓的)书面证词
anomalous mortgage 异常抵押
mortgage-security 抵押担保
on/upon the merits 根据案情
clear of and from 不负担(抵押权、留置权等产权负担)
establish possession 确认占有权
counter(-)claim 反诉;反请求
cross(-)suit 互诉
person executing a process 执行人员
heir-at-law 法定继承人
caveator 中止诉讼申请人
by leave of court 经法院许可
lights 采光权
show cause against detention in prison 提出羁押异议
execution by detention in prison 通过羁押措施执行判决
claim exemption from arrest 提出免于拘捕的请求
order of restitution 返还财产令(裁定)
order of discharge 释放令(裁定)
be detained in the civil prison 民事羁押
Consolidated Fund of India 印度综合基金
Consolidated Fund of the Province 邦综合基金

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