dissent from the judgement 对判决有异议
issues of law 法律争点(问题)
issues of fact 事实争点(问题)
frame of suit 提出诉讼争点
preliminary issue 初步争点
additional issue 附加争点
irregularity in proceedings 程序违规
presumption of law 法律推定
non­appearance 不出庭
oral examination 口头询问
presiding officer 主审法官
cross-examination 反询问
attendance of witness 证人出庭
cause the attendance of his witness 带证人出庭作证
compel the attendance of a witness 强制证人出庭
memorandum of appeal 上诉状
representative suit 代表人诉讼;派生诉讼
without leave of court 未经法院许可
stay of suit 中止诉讼
bring a fresh suit 重新提起诉讼
adjourn the hearing of the suit 休庭
prima facie proof 表面证据
cause the service of summons 安排送达传票
show the ground 说明理由
chief ministerial officer 行政主管
reject the plaint 驳回起诉
dismiss the suit 驳回起诉
hearing of the suit 案件的审理
reject the petition 驳回申请
the first hearing 首次开庭审理
interrogatory 质询书
omit to answer 未作出答复
minor plaintiffs and defendants 未成年原告和被告
document admitted in evidence 采信为证据的文件
serving­officer 送达人员
release the property from attachment 解除财产扣押
in its discretion 酌情
court-fee 诉讼费
valid service 有效送达
a person under a disability 无民事行为能力人

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