cognizance 受理范围,管辖范围
matter in issue 诉讼事由,争点
presiding officer 主审法官
slip of paper 通知单
read over 宣读
dates of presentation and return 呈送和退还日期
interrogatories and answers 质询书和答复书
rival claim 竞合主张
attachment before judgement 判决前(财产)扣押
growing crop 地上农作物
judge dissenting from the judgment 对判决有异议的法官
in one payment 一次性付款
by monthly instalments 按月分期付款
disbursing authority 发薪单位
call on 传唤
restitution of conjugal rights 恢复夫妻权利
civil court of original jurisdiction 享有原审管辖权的民事法院
matter directly and substantially in issue 存在直接或者重大争议的事宜
court of the lowest grade competent 有管辖权的最低级别法院
revisional court 复审法院
vexatious proceeding 缠诉,纠缠诉讼
transfer of decree 移送判决书
court executing the decree 判决执行法院
elements of a settlement 和解因素
Lok Adalat 人民法庭
substantial question of law 重大法律问题
reverse an order 撤销裁定
reverse a decree 撤销判决
stay of suit 中止诉讼
original civil jurisdiction 民事案件原审管辖权
personal appearance 亲自出庭
fee for attendance 出庭报酬
lodge a caveat 提交中止诉讼申请书
caveator 中止诉讼申请人
stamp-paper 邮票
hear ex parte 缺席审理
impose exemplary cost 处以罚款
adjournment of the hearing beyond the following day 隔天延期审理
administration-suit 遗产管理诉讼
Presidency court of Small Causes 高等法院普通原审民事管辖区小额诉讼法院


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