Provincial court of Small Causes 省级小额诉讼法院
ordinary original civil jurisdiction 普通民事案件原审管辖权
preliminary decree 初步判决
final decree 最终判决
take evidence 采信证据
frivolous suit 滥诉,滥用诉讼权利
cause undue hardship 造成不必要的困难
stay the execution of the decree 中止执行判决
be interested in the result of the appeal 与上诉结果有利害关系
reason for its admission 采信证据的理由
read out 宣读
probate of the will 遗嘱认证程序
call upon the witness 传唤证人出庭
defendant No. 2 第二被告
officer holding the sale 出售交易主持人
claimant 权利主张人
objector 异议人
predecessor­in­interest 先前权利人
Law Reforms Ordinance 《法律改革条例》
be rateably distributed 按比例分配
subordinate court 下级法院

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