法律翻译研究: claim在法律语境中的多种译法
The assertion of a right or demand to a right to property or to a remedy, a cause of action, the grounds in pleadings upon which relief is claimed …
claim for indemnification 赔偿请求
claim for damages 损害赔偿请求
claim arose out of Vendors' non-performance thereunder因卖方不履约而提出的权利主张(索赔请求)
Form for Claim Application理赔申请书
priority claim 优先权申请
claim a reduction in or an exemption from rent payments请求减免租金
be entitled to claim the subject matter upon the payment of the escrow cost缴纳提存费用后有权取回提存物
work environment sexual harassment claims工作环境下的性骚扰索赔
claim for payment of the insurance benefits请求保险公司承担保险赔付责任
Claim 1 (专利申请中的)权利要求1
file a claim for divorce before the local court 向当地法院提起离婚诉讼
risk of unexpected major claims 意外重大理赔风险
the claim that the marriage is invalid on the basis that …以……为由主张婚姻无效
rejected all the claims of AAA判决驳回AAA的全部诉讼请求
Therefore, the Court supports the Plaintiff's claim to be divorced with the Defendant. 故对原告要求与被告离婚的诉讼请求,本院予以支持。
claim damages from 向……提出损害赔偿请求
Plaintiff’s claims against Defendant原告对被告提出的诉讼请求
infringement claims 侵权指控
discrimination claims歧视指控
patent claims 专利权利要求
direct claim against the reinsurer 对再保险人的直接请求权
claims management理赔管理
falsely claimed that谎称
claim damages or demand other reasonable remedial measures请求赔偿损失或要求采取其它合理的补救措施
third party claim第三方权利主张(索赔)
exercise the subrogation right to claim the debts对债务行使代位请求权
make a claim for indemnification提出赔偿请求
the amount claimed主张的(赔偿)金额
Claim for the principal and interest还本付息请求
the Party claiming the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event声称发生不可抗力事件的一方
right to claim a defense of sovereign immunity以主权豁免为由提出抗辩的权利
Travel Cost Reimbursement Claim差旅费报销单
rights of any party claimed at the time of termination of this Contract任何一方在本合同终止时主张的权利(提出的权利主张)
determine claims确定债权
insurance claims保险理赔
exercise of the claim债权实现
a claim subject to refusal to pay拒绝给付理赔件
list of claims债权清册
a claim against the insurer理赔申请
the obligor's claim and the transferred claim债务人的债权与转让的债权
claim for payment of the Receivables应收账款债权
claim for additional contract price请求追加合同价款的权利
claim compensation by liquidating the construction project建设工程折价补偿请求权
claims of the suit诉讼请求
claim for reconsideration申请复议,复议申请
main claim and counterclaim主诉和反诉
secured claim担保债权
claim for exemption 免责请求/申请
claim specific performance 请求履行特定义务
false or improper claims不实理赔或不当理赔
claims for anything done or omitted以任何作为或不作为为由提出的权利主张(索赔)
claim for termination of the agreement终止协议的主张
claims payable保险金额
exercise the claim行使债权(请求权等)
patent-infringement claims专利侵权案的诉讼请求
claim for payment of child maintenance请求支付抚养费
claim for invalidating a marriage申请宣告婚姻无效
falsely claim an offer of prize谎称有奖
tort claims侵权索赔
claim custody of the child申请获得子女抚养权
claim for luggage领取行李
complete the claims paperwork完成索赔手续
claim restitution of the principal and interest of the factoring proceeds主张返还保理融资款本息
reserve for pending claims未决赔款准备金
settlement of claims清偿债务
raise a defense against the obligee's claim对债权人的债权提出异议
claim for overdue alimony追索赡养费
amount of total claims索赔总额
arbitration claim仲裁申请
claims asserted by the patentee权利人主张的权利要求
subrogate a claim for indemnity行使代位赔偿请求权
claim civil liability请求承担民事责任
reduce or waive its claim for the costs减免费用

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