Translated Documents
       1. “ABC-Laws” means any applicable international, national, federal, state, municipal and local laws, orders, statutes, directives, decrees, treaties and regulations relating to anti-bribery and corruption legislation, including for the avoidance of doubt, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act 2010, the UN Convention Against Corruption, Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) and any applicable country legislation implementing the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and any other applicable legislation enacted to enforce or implement any international convention prohibiting bribery and/or corruption.
        2. “Confidential Information” means any information or data, in respect of a Party or its Affiliates or representatives or their respective operations, including but not limited to reports, brochures, technical documents, specifications, part-numbers, service manuals, drawings, information, interpretations, production methods and records containing or otherwise reflecting any information that is or may be proprietary and/or includes but is not limited to, trade secrets, concepts, know-how, designs, patent applications, inventions, software, (cross)references, processes, business plans, financial information, that a Party discloses to the other Party or its Affiliates or representatives in writing, orally or in some other manner.
        3. “Controls” means, with regard to a legal entity the legal, beneficial or equitable ownership, directly or indirectly, of fifty percent (50%) or more of the capital stock (or other ownership interest, if not a corporation) of such entity ordinarily having voting rights or the equivalent right under contract to control management decisions with regard to relevant subjects.
        4. “Documentation” means (i) for Proprietary Goods: installation and assembly drawings and instructions; transport, handling and storage instructions; manuals and user guides; information for use of Goods, spare parts list with identification drawings; identification and tracking system of Goods (if applicable); appropriate EC Declaration of conformity or Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery; and (ii) for all Goods: the country of origin; information of hazardous Goods and substances (if any); documentation containing required customs or export information; safety labels for the Goods (if applicable) and all other documentation and information as specified in the Agreement and related to the Goods and the use, installation, support and maintenance thereof.
        5. Intellectual Property Rights means any and all intellectual property rights of any nature anywhere in the world whether registered, registerable or otherwise, including patents, trademarks, registered designs and domain names, applications for any of the foregoing, trade or business names, goodwill, copyright and rights in the nature of copyright, design rights, rights in databases, moral rights, performance rights and know-how, in each case including all applications for, and renewals or extensions of (and rights to apply for, renew or extend) such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which may now or in the future subsist in any part of the world and the right to claim and retain damages for past, current and future infringements of such rights;
        6. "Environmental Laws" shall mean any applicable present national, territorial, provincial, foreign or local law, common law doctrine, rule, order, decree, judgment, injunction or regulation relating to environmental matters, including those pertaining to land use, air, soil, surface water, ground water (including the protection, clean-up, removal, remediation or damage thereof), public or employee health or safety, together with any other laws (national, territorial, provincial, foreign or local) relating to emissions, discharges, releases or threatened releases of any pollutant or contaminant including, without limitation, medical, chemical, biological, biohazardous or radioactive waste and materials, into ambient air, land, surface water, groundwater, personal property or structures.
        7. “Specification” means the details such as technical specification, requirements, documentation, packing and marking instruction, designs, general standards, software, models, tools, drawings, instructions etc. laid down in the documents forming part of or listed in Appendix 1 (Specification) which specifies the Goods (for the avoidance of doubt, such specification shall not in any way amend the terms and conditions expressly set forth in the other parts of the Agreement).
        8. Applicable Laws: any existing or future law (including any statute, regulation, directive, statutory instrument or legislative instrument of any kind) or of any licence, consent, permit, authorisation or agreement issued or entered into by a governmental authority under any of the foregoing, or of any relevant statutory authority, in each case to the extent that the same comprise legally enforceable obligations and are then applicable to the XXX Event or the Gala or any of the rights or obligations under this Agreement (as applicable), including all applicable local, state and federal laws relating to advertising, health and safety and insurance and all court orders and decrees in such countries or territories.
        9. Force Majeure Event means any event or circumstance arising from natural causes, human agency or otherwise which is beyond the reasonable control of the Party claiming the occurrence of the same, and which could not have been reasonably foreseen and prevented by such Party and which affects the performance by such Party of its obligations under this Agreement including any act of God, war, act of terrorism, the threat of terrorism, explosion, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, lock-out or industrial dispute (but not for the avoidance of doubt a strike, lock-out or industrial dispute of such Party’s employees, agents or sub-contractors) and any legislation, regulation, ruling or omission (including failure or refusal to grant any necessary permissions) of any relevant government, court or any competent national or international authority;
        10. "Company Material Adverse Effect shall mean any change, event development, circumstance or effect that has had, or would reasonably likely expected to have a material adverse effect on the business, prospects, assets (whether tangible or intangible), liabilities, financial condition, operations or capitalization of the Company, the Company Subsidiaries and the A Group Companies, taken as a whole; provided, however, that any effect to the extent resulting or arising from any of the following shall not be considered when determining whether a Company Material Adverse Effect shall have occurred: (A) any changes in general economic conditions in the industries or markets in which the Company or the Company Subsidiaries or the A Group Companies operate; (B) any change in financing, banking or securities markets generally; or (C) any act of war, armed hostilities or terrorism, change in political environment or any worsening thereof or actions taken in response thereto; provided that, in each case, that such effects do not, individually or in the aggregate, have a materially disproportionate adverse impact on the Company, the Company Subsidiaries and the A Group Companies, taken as a whole, relative to other Persons in the industries or markets in which the Company, the Company Subsidiaries or the A Group Companies operate.

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