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        1. Vendor will provide the Maintenance Services, either by itself or through Subcontractors, to Customer during the Warranty Period free of charge and thereafter, if required by Customer, the Maintenance Services or any part thereof on an annual basis at the relevant Maintenance Fees.
        2. Should Customer require Vendor to provide the Maintenance Services after the Warranty Period, Customer shall, at any time before the last [insert number] days prior to the expiry of Warranty Period, notify Vendor that it wishes to procure the Maintenance Services or any part thereof.
        3. Vendor warrants that and shall ensure that the System remains in compliance with the Specifications and will be free from faulty workmanship and defective materials for the Warranty Period.
        4. Where during the Warranty Period, any parts of the System is found by Customer to be: not of satisfactory quality or not reasonably fit for the purpose for which it is intended to be used or is otherwise faulty or defective; 或者 not in accordance with this Agreement or fails to function properly in accordance with the Specifications, Customer will notify Vendor in writing upon discovery of the aforementioned and Customer may at its sole discretion as Customer may elect…
        5. Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, neither Party shall make any adjustments to the Project Fee or Maintenance Fees nor shall the Project Fee or Maintenance Fees, or any part thereof be revised, changed or altered under any circumstances.
        6. Vendor shall not be entitled to any additional payment nor be excused from any liability under this Agreement as a consequence of any misinterpretation by Vendor of any matter or fact relating to the Specifications, and the functions, facilities and capabilities of the Hardware.
        7. In particular, Vendor shall remain solely liable for any errors, defects, problems or flaws in the Specifications notwithstanding that such Specifications have been approved or accepted by Customer.
        8. Vendor warrants that the Documentation supplied to Customer shall contain sufficient information and adequate instructions to enable Customer and Customer Entities, and their employees, to fully, properly and efficiently use, operate and maintain the System in conjunction with Customer Systems, without reference to any other person or document.
        9. Vendor shall permit Customer and such other entity or person designated by Customer, upon reasonable notice, to inspect or examine the programming, scripting, planning, data migration, design techniques, workmanship, beta testing of the deliverables Vendor is to provide under this Agreement, and any other activities carried out by Vendor pertaining to the relevant Services, for the purposes of satisfying Customer as to the present status and quality of applicable Services.
        10. The Maintenance Fees for the relevant Year shall constitute the total and exclusive consideration for the provision of Maintenance Services during such Year and all other obligations, warranties, promises and undertakings of Vendor under this Agreement in relation to such Maintenance Services, and Vendor agrees no further sums, fees, payments, charges, royalties, compensation or other charges shall be payable by Customer in respect of the provision of such Maintenance Services.

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