Translated Documents

       1. The Service Provider may disclose the Confidential Information to its representatives and employees to such an extent only as is necessary for the purposes contemplated by this Agreement, so long as similar confidentiality obligations are imposed on such Person. In the event of mandatory disclosure due to an order of a government agency, legislative body, a judicial or quasi-judicial authority of competent jurisdiction, the Service Provider shall first provide prompt written notice to Party B to enable it to seek a protective order, or otherwise prevent of contest such disclosure.
       2. To secure the confidentiality attached to Information, the receiving Party shall keep all such Information secret and confidential and obligation of secrecy shall be in force during the term of this Agreement or any extension hereof, and shall survive one year after the expiration or early termination of this Agreement, whatever the reason may be.
       3. Nothing in the agreement (including the provisions of clause 2.2 of these terms) will restrict your ability to disclose how a cross-border arrangement could secure a tax advantage to other intermediaries (within the context of mandatory exchange of information in relation to reportable tax cross border arrangements under the EU Council Directive 2011/16, as may be amended from time to time or transposed into national law), or to the tax authorities.
       4. Furthermore, the financial statements do not include all applicable disclosures related to the investments in associates, as required by HKFRS 12 "Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities".
       5. Furthermore, each party shall be entitled to disclose such information relating to the Agreement as is required by law or stock exchange regulations.
       6. Thus, the sharing of staff is against the NDA signed by TP with its customers.
       7. If, on the date of the filing of its report on Form 10-K, the registrant meets the conditions specified in paragraph (1) below, //then such registrant may furnish the abbreviated narrative disclosure specified in paragraph (2) below.
       8. Non-confidential information that has come to the attention of the receiving party before the disclosure of the other party, provided the receiving party identifies in writing to the disclosing party that such information was previously available to the receiving party;
       9. Accordingly, the Distributor not shall disclose Confidential Information directly or indirectly to any third party save to its staff or any other persons performing the obligations under this Agreement provided that the Distributor ensure that the staff or persons performing obligations set forth in this Agreement, shall, prior to receiving the Confidential Information, comply with the same obligations of confidentiality and non-utilization of the Confidential Information as those imposed by this Agreement.
       10. WHEREAS, the Parties wish to enter into this Agreement and each wishes to disclose Information to the other in order to have discussions and to exchange ideas regarding a potential business relationship with each other related to the Information (“the Purpose”);

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