Translated Documents

1. Our charges and expenses will be stated exclusive of VAT and/or any other relevant taxes and will be subject to the addition of VAT and/or other taxes where appropriate.
2. Reseller shall be responsible for payment of all insurance, duty and customs, sales, value added and excise taxes and any other taxes or charges associated with the shipment or import of the Products (except for taxes on AAA's net income).
3. All payments by a party to the other under this Agreement will be made without any deduction or withholding for or on account of any present or future withholding tax unless such deduction or withholding is required by any applicable law, as modified by the practice of any relevant governmental revenue authority then in effect.
4. The income tax expense for the year can be reconciled to the loss before tax per the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as follows:
5. The Guarantor will pay any stamp, issue, registration, documentary, transfer or other similar taxes, duties, assessments and government charges, including interest and penalties, payable in the [British Virgin Islands], the PRC, the United Kingdom, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Belgium or any other relevant jurisdiction or, in any such case, any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein in respect of the execution or delivery, performance or enforcement of this Deed of Guarantee.
6. Distributor acknowledges and agrees that, in addition to the price established by AAA for the Products, Distributor shall be responsible for all applicable taxes and duties whether imposed in the United States or any other country, as well as, all costs related to the shipment of the Products from AAA's (or its designee's) facility to Distributor.
7. LICENSEE also agrees to pay all taxes, import or withholding or otherwise, as per invoices from DISTRIBUTOR for SOFTWARE licenses.
8. AAA is responsible for paying all sales, use, valued-added, exercise, withholding and similar taxes and all customs, duties, levies and similar charges (collectively, “Taxes”).
9. Supplier shall pay all applicable sales, use, and other taxes and duties payable by Supplier on any goods or services used or consumed by Supplier in providing Services.
10. In the event of any change in law regarding VAT, tax, levy or similar governmental charge as set forth in this paragraph, the parties shall negotiate and mutually agree on any applicable revisions to the foregoing.

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