Translated Documents
1. For the purposes of paragraph (b) of this subsection, the placing of a pipe-line or the carrying out of works by a method which does not involve the opening or breaking up of a street shall be taken to be reasonably practicable unless the owner of the pipe-line shows that such is not the case.
2. If, after the date provided for in Article I (b)(ii) of this Contract, any requirements as to Class or as to the above specified rules and regulations with which the construction of the Vessel is required to comply are altered or changed by the Classification Society or bodies authorized to make such alterations or changes, either of the parties hereto, upon receipt of due notice thereof, shall forthwith give notice thereof to the other party in writing.
3. If, after a notice for the purposes of subsection (1) of this section has been given to the Minister, the execution of the works to which the notice relates has not been substantially begun at the expiration of twelve months from the date on which it was given to him, or at the expiration of any extension of that period which he may allow, the notice shall be treated as invalid for those purposes except as regards works previously executed.
4. If, without the consent of the Minister, a person so deposits any earth, refuse, spoil or other materials that any of the materials deposited are situate less than ten feet from a point on the surface of land whose position is vertically above a part of a pipe-line below the surface, then, unless the materials were deposited for the purposes or in the course of agricultural operations (not being operations for the storage of crops, grass or silage), or in the course of executing code-regulated works within the meaning of the Public Utilities Street Works Act, 1950, the Minister may enter and remove the materials deposited and may recover the expenses reasonably incurred by him in so doing from the owner of the land on which the materials were deposited or, if there is more than one owner, from the owners thereof in such shares as the judge may determine to be just and equitable.
5. However, if the Buyer's Representative fails to submit to the Builder within seven (7) days any such demand concerning alterations or changes with respect to work undertaken in the construction, arrangement or outfit of the Vessel, /which the Buyer's Representative has examined, inspected or attended at the test thereof under this Contract or the Specifications, //the Buyer's Representative shall be deemed to have approved the same and shall be precluded from making any demand for alterations, changes, or complaints with respect thereto at a later date.
6. Where, in consequence of compliance with a requirement to do anything to a pipe-line or length thereof imposed by a notice under subsection (1) of this section, or of the exercise of the power to enter and do anything to a pipe-line or length thereof conferred by the last foregoing subsection, a person, other than the owner of the line, suffers loss by reason of damage to, or disturbance in the enjoyment of, any land or chattels, he shall be entitled, where the loss was suffered in consequence of such compliance, to compensation in respect of that loss from the owner of the line, or, where the loss was suffered in consequence of the exercise of that power, to compensation in respect of that loss from the Minister; and the Minister may recover from the owner of the line, in any court of competent jurisdiction, the amount of any compensation paid by the Minister under this subsection.
7. Where, by virtue of subsection (1) of the last foregoing section, works are required to be removed or altered, it shall not be lawful for use to be made of so much of a pipeline as has been constructed in the course of the execution of the works unless and until such alterations have been effected to the works (whether by the person required to remove or alter them or by the Minister) as are necessary to make them comply with the prohibition in default of compliance with which they were executed; and where, by virtue of that subsection, a length of a pipe-line is required to be removed or altered, it shall not be lawful for use to be made of that length unless and until such alterations have been effected thereto (whether by the person required to remove or alter it or by the Minister) as are necessary to make it comply with the prohibition in default of compliance with which it was constructed.
8. Day's work joints in floors, roofs and slabs shall be formed against vertical boards and the concrete shall be well compacted against the boards.
9. prohibit, as regards any length of the line specified in the notice, the construction thereof (so far as it falls to be constructed after the service of the notice) except of such materials, and with the inclusion of such safety devices, as may be specified in the notice or the incorporation therein in the course of the construction thereof (so far as it falls as aforesaid) of component parts of a class so specified that do not comply with such requirements as may be so specified;
10. in a case where the length of the line as a whole after the diversion exceeds or is intended to exceed ten miles (whether or not its length before the diversion exceeded ten miles) or a case where its length after diversion neither exceeds nor is intended to exceed ten miles but before diversion exceeded or was intended to exceed ten miles, the diversion is effected pursuant to an authorisation in that behalf (in this Act referred to as a "pipe-line diversion authorisation") granted by the Minister and so much of the line as is diverted is placed along the route delineated on the map annexed to the authorisation or within such limits of lateral deviation therefrom as may be specified in the authorisation;

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