Translated Documents

1. No Shareholder will be entitled to withdraw any part of his or its Capital Contribution or to receive any distribution from the Company, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. The Company shall not be liable to any Shareholder for repayment of its Capital Contribution.
译文: 除本协议另有明确规定外,任何股东均无权撤回其出资或出资的任何部分,也无权从公司获得任何分配。公司不向任何股东承担偿还出资的责任。
2. Enforcement-The President may direct the Attorney General of the United States to seek appropriate relief, including divestment relief, in the district courts of the United States, in order to implement and enforce this subsection.
3. The Investor understands that the Interests have not been registered under federal or state securities laws and that transfer of the Interests in the Company and withdrawal from the Company are restricted except as set forth in the Company's Operating Agreement (the "Operating Agreement") and as permitted under applicable laws.
4. Whether it's M&A activity or divestments, we can advise clients on their overall business strategy to help them achieve their long-term aims.
5. A further, general downturn in the U.S. or world economy that reduces discretionary spending could harm the Project and make the anticipated exit strategy less achievable.
6. Except as otherwise described below, an amendment must be approved by the Class A members holding in the aggregate at least a majority of the outstanding Units, referred to as a "Majority Interest".
7. We cannot assure you that the Project Company will operate at a sufficiently profitable level to make our planned exit strategy feasible.
8. Having assessed the specific requirements of shareholders, management and staff, we will then recommend the best exit strategy for you and your business.
9. Whether your exit strategy is a buyout, trade sale or IPO, we can recommend the best approach for you to maximise shareholder value and achieve the best price.
10. Party A’s exit strategy service will review all your exit options in a trusted and independent manner.

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