Translated Documents

1. If there is an inconsistency between any of the provision of this framework agreement and the provisions of any Service Contract, the provisions of this framework agreement shall prevail.
译文: 本框架协议的任何规定与任何服务合同的规定不一致的,以本框架协议的规定为准。
2、In the event of a conflict between the applicable regulatory requirements contained in Exhibit I and the remainder of this Agreement, the applicable provisions of the regulatory requirements contained in Exhibit I shall control if and to the extent required by Law.
3. In the event of a conflict in terms between this BAA and the Agreement, the interpretation that is in accordance with the HIPAA Regulations shall prevail. In the event that a conflict then remains, the Agreement terms shall prevail so long as they are in accordance with the HIPAA Regulations.
4. If anything in these terms is inconsistent with the engagement letter, these terms take precedence, unless the engagement letter expressly amends any of them.
5. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the ANNEXES and the body of this Agreement, the provisions set out in the body of this Agreement shall prevail.
6. In the event of a conflict between this Addendum and the Reseller Agreement, as to the matters covered by this Addendum, this Addendum shall prevail.
7. In the event of any conflict between the Operating Agreement and this Subscription Agreement, the Operating Agreement will prevail.
8. If there is a conflict between the terms of Exhibit C and the Agreement, the terms of Exhibit C shall control with respect to such conflict, but solely as it relates to Personal Data.
9. This Contract is the complete and final Agreement between the Parties relating to the Work, All prior or contemporaneous negotiations and Agreements relating to the Work are superseded by this Contract, The terms of this Contract are not supplemented, explained, or qualified by trade usage or a course of prior dealing, Supplier may only accept this Contract by signing and returning the Contract or by commencing the Work, Exceptions or terms submitted by Supplier in the course of accepting this Contract are void
10. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any other agreement or contract between Party A and Party B, this Agreement shall, as between the Escrow Agent, and Party A and Party B, prevail.

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