Translated Documents
1. The net profits of the Company in each year shall be applied in or towards the formation of such reserve fund or funds and in or towards the payment of such dividends and bonuses as the Directors subject to the approval of the Company in General Meeting may direct. No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits of the Company, and no dividend shall carry interest as against the Company.
2. The Directors may from time to time set aside out of the profits of the Company and carry to reserve such sums as they think proper which, at the discretion of the Directors, shall be applicable for meeting contingencies or for the gradual liquidation of any debt or liability of the Company or for repairing or maintaining the works, plant and machinery of the Company or for special dividends or bonuses or for equalising dividends or for any other purpose to which the profits of the Company may properly be applied and pending such application may either be employed in the business of the Company or be invested.
3. The Directors may divide the reserve into such special funds as they think fit and may consolidate into one fund any special funds or any parts of any special funds into which the reserve may have been dividend. The Directors may also without placing the same to reserve carry forward any profits which they may think it not prudent to divide.
4. Moreover, the Warranty Claims Reserve Amount shall not fund any fees or expenses of any Debtors’ professionals or employees, unless such professionals or employees are retained by the Liquidation Trustee for purposes of the Warranty Trust.       
5. On or before the Commercial Operations Date, the Company shall establish and maintain, for the remaining Term, a separate reserve fund for the payment of expenses described in Section 9.9(c) (the "Reserve Fund") with a depository institution and under depository agreements reasonably satisfactory to the Power Purchaser.
6. The Reserve Fund shall be funded by the Company out of retained earnings commencing on the date that the first Capacity Payment is made.
7. Monies in the Reserve Fund may be drawn on and used by the Company, (i) to pay Major Maintenance Expenses (as defined below) and (ii) only to the extent the Company lacks other available funds therefor, for the purpose of paying maintenance and associated operating expenses with respect to the Complex or to pay for alterations, repairs, improvements, renewals and replacements with respect to the Complex which are necessary for the proper operation of the Complex.      
8. If, after the withdrawal of any funds from the Reserve Fund for the purpose described in Section 9.9(c)(ii) hereinabove, the amount remaining in the Reserve Fund is less than the amount required pursuant to Section 9.9(b) hereinabove, the Company shall replenish the Reserve Fund by depositing therein, within one (1) Month after the end of such Month in which such withdrawal occurred, an amount sufficient to restore the amount required in Section 9.9(b) hereinabove.        
9. “Warranty Claims Reserve Amount” means that aggregate amount of cash and, if applicable, inventory (valued in accordance with the Confirmation Order) computed from time to time so that the percentage relationship between the Assets held in the Warranty Trust and the Warranty Claims Estimated Amount (subject to adjustment from time to time as Warranty Claims are paid and/or disallowed) is equal to the percentage relationship between the Assets held in the Liquidation Trust and the aggregate amount of all filed and/or allowed General Unsecured Claims (subject to adjustment from time to time as General Unsecured Claims are paid and/or disallowed).
10. The Company in general meeting may upon the recommendation of the Directors resolve to capitalise any part of the amount for the time being standing to the credit of any of the Company's reserve accounts or to the credit of the profit and loss account or otherwise available for distribution, and accordingly that such sums be set free for distribution amongst the Members who would have been entitled thereto if distributed by way of dividend and in the same proportions, on condition that the same be not paid in cash but be applied either in or towards paying up any amounts for the time being unpaid on any shares held by such Members respectively or paying up in full unissued shares or debentures or other obligations of the Company to be allotted and distributed credited as fully paid up to and amongst such Members in the proportions aforesaid, or partly in one way and partly in the other, and the Directors shall give effect to such resolution:

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