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1. DISTRIBUTOR shall inform AAA’S on forecasted significant client orders that may have an effect on the product inventory of Party A’S.
译文: 经销商应将可能影响AAA产品库存的重要客户订单预测通知甲方。
2. Distributor shall provide to Party A, on a six-month basis, a rolling twelve-month forecast of products it plans to purchase. Over the term of this Agreement, the Distributor shall purchase from Company that number of the Product units (the “Minimum Purchase Amount”) as determined pursuant to Exhibit C attached hereto.
3. Reseller shall provide monthly sales forecasts containing such information as AAA may reasonably request.
4. Client shall provide monthly and daily customer contact forecasting information in accordance with this section to assist AAA in its workforce and resource planning efforts.
5. If actual call volume decreases 20%, the monthly service fee shall be charged 100% as the minimum call volume forecast has occurred for the first 4 months and a 20% deduction of the service fee each three-month thereafter, as following.
6. If these monthly forecasts vary by more than 30 per cent from the specified capacity requirements, TSP shall object immediately within three working days.
7. Each of Parent and the Company acknowledges and agrees that there are uncertainties inherent in attempting to make such estimates, projections and other forecasts and plans, that it is familiar with such uncertainties, that it is taking full responsibility for making its own evaluation of the adequacy and accuracy of all estimates, projections and other forecasts and plans so furnished to it (including the reasonableness of the assumptions underlying such estimates, projections and forecasts), and that (a) none of Parent, the Subs or their respective Affiliates shall have any claim against the Company, the Company Subsidiaries, the AAA Group Companies, or their respective Affiliates and (b) none of the Company, the Company Subsidiaries, the AAA Group Companies or their respective Affiliates shall have any claim against Parent, the Subs or their respective Affiliates with respect thereto.
8. Each such monthly forecast shall include all available media schedules that to the customer's knowledge have an impact on customer contact volumes.
9. TSP guarantees that it is able to handle deviations of at least 30 percent from these monthly capacity forecasts without performance standards or charges being affected.
10. AAA shall maintain accounts in relation to its business and shall supply to BBB a sales forecast report when requested by BBB, from time to time.

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