Translated Documents
  1. 乙方制作专门页面刊载期刊订阅信息。
译文:Party B shall create a special page to publish information on the subscription of the periodicals.
  1. 乙方免费向甲方提供北大法宝数据库使用权,具体如下:律所实务库本协议有效期内的免费使用权,法律法规库、司法案例库、法学期刊库、专题参考库自本协议生效之日起30日免费使用权。
译文:Party B grants to Party A the right to use Pkulaw's databases free of charge. For the avoidance of any doubt, Party A has the right to use Pkulaw's databases for law firm practice free of charge during the Term of this Agreement, and the right to use the databases of "Laws & Regulations", "Judicial Cases", "Law Journals", and "Special References" within thirty (30) days from the date of this Agreement.
  1. 乙方根据律师事务所需要提供北大法宝律所实务数据库的系列服务,但提供方式不得损害或可能损害甲方权益。
译文:Party B will provide a series of services in respect of Pkulaw's databases for law firm practice, provided that the means by which such services are provided shall be without prejudice to the rights and interests of Party A.
  1. 甲方免费授权乙方其作品的信息网络传播权的非专有使用权,乙方对甲方的作品进行推广和宣传,以扩大甲方的影响力,双方互利共赢。
译文:Party A grants to Party B the non-exclusive right to disseminate the information on Party A's Works on line free of charge for the purpose of promoting and publicizing Party A's Works and expanding Party A's influence, for mutual benefit and win-win results.
  1. 双方应对本协议内容和在本协议履行过程中获知对方的商业秘密承担保密责任,包括对方经营信息、销售数据和技术方案等商业秘密,非经对方的书面的、特别的授权以及在法律有强制要求的情况下,获知对方商业秘密的一方不得擅自使用或授权他人使用或泄露给他人,或有其它不正当使用的行为,否则应赔偿对方因此受到的损失。
译文:Each Party shall keep confidential the contents of this Agreement and the business secrets of the other Party obtained during the performance of this Agreement, including but not limited to the business information, sales data, technical solutions, etc. Without the special written authorization of the other Party or unless according to the mandatory legal requirements, the Party obtaining the other Party's business secrets shall not use, authorize any third party to use, or disclose to any third party, the other Party's business secrets, or otherwise use them improperly. Otherwise, it shall be liable for any and all the losses incurred to the other Party therefrom.

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