Translated Documents

  1. 未尽事宜双方另行协商解决,双方另行协商签订的补充协议,作为本协议的有效组成部分。
译文:In case of any issue not covered hereby, the Parties shall enter into a separate supplemental agreement, which shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
  1. 在协议期内,若协议有关条款按国家现行法律规定需作修改,双方应重新签订协议,原协议自动终止。
译文:Where it is necessary to amend any provision of this Agreement according to the then existing law of the PRC during the term of this Agreement, the Parties shall enter into a new agreement, in which case this Agreement will be automatically terminated.
  1. 本协议的订立、执行和解释均应适用中华人民共和国法律。
译文:The execution, performance and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.
  1. 乙方发生分立、合并、改制资产剥离或被并购时,乙方应当及时通知甲方,取得甲方的同意后,本合同所约定的权利、义务随之转移。
译文:In case of division, consolidation, restructuring, divestiture or M&A of Party B, Party B shall promptly notify Party A, and Party B's rights and obligations hereunder will be transferred accordingly upon Party A's consent.
  1. 本协议一式二份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。自双方签章之日起生效,有效期为 【 】年。本协议不自动展续,合同期限届满双方有意向继续合作的,应当另行签订续展合同。
译文:This Agreement is made and exists in duplicate with one copy held by each Party, each of which shall be equally valid. This Agreement shall come into force as of the date of signature by and affixation of the seals of both Parties, and shall be valid for [ ] year(s) (the "Term"). This Agreement shall not be automatically renewed, and the Parties shall otherwise enter into a renewal agreement if they intend to continue cooperation after the expiration of the Term.

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