第十六条 仲裁协议包括合同中订立的仲裁条款和以其他书面方式在纠纷发生前或者纠纷发生后达成的请求仲裁的协议。 Article 16 An arbitration agreement may be an arbitration clause in a contract or an agreement for arbitration reached in any other written form before or after the occurrence of a dispute.
An arbitration agreement shall contain:
(1) a manifestation of mutual assent to refer to arbitration;
(2) the issues to be arbitrated; and
(3) the arbitration commission selected. 第十七条 有下列情形之一的,仲裁协议无效: Article 17 An arbitration agreement shall be invalid if:
(1) the issues to be arbitrated agreed upon under the arbitration agreement are beyond the scope of arbitration specified by law;
(2) the arbitration agreement was entered into by a person without capacity or with limited capacity for civil acts; or
(3) the arbitration agreement was entered into by a party under duress by the other party. 第十八条 仲裁协议对仲裁事项或者仲裁委员会没有约定或者约定不明确的,当事人可以补充协议;达不成补充协议的,仲裁协议无效。 Article 18 Where the issues to be arbitrated or an arbitration commission is not expressly specified in an arbitration agreement, the parties may reach a supplementary agreement, failing which the arbitration agreement shall be invalid. 第十九条 仲裁协议独立存在,合同的变更、解除、终止或者无效,不影响仲裁协议的效力。 Article 19 An arbitration agreement shall exist independently, and any alteration, cancellation, termination, or invalidity of a contract shall be without prejudice to the validity of its arbitration agreement.
An arbitral tribunal shall have the power to determine the validity of a contract. 第二十条 当事人对仲裁协议的效力有异议的,可以请求仲裁委员会作出决定或者请求人民法院作出裁定。一方请求仲裁委员会作出决定,另一方请求人民法院作出裁定的,由人民法院裁定。 Article 20 Where a party challenges the validity of an arbitration agreement, he may request the arbitration commission to make a decision or a people's court of competent jurisdiction to make an order. Where either party requests the arbitration commission to make a decision and the other party requests a people's court to make an order, the validity of the arbitration agreement shall be determined by an order of the people's court.
Where a party challenges the validity of an arbitration agreement, the challenge shall be filed before the arbitral tribunal proceeds with the first hearing.